Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023
I got a new pair of boots this week, and today I put them to the test. I didn't like the fit when I pulled them out of the box, so I went to the store and got a few different types of insoles. After playing with them, I thought I had things figured out. Friday's hike was nice, but Saturday my feet paid the price and throbbed at the end of the day.
I put on about 7 miles for the day. The first half of the day treated me well. I was loving life. However, as the day wore on, my feet began to hurt. I thought it was because the boots were too big.
After getting home and really examining things, I think the insoles caused the boots to be too tight. I guess I'll give it another go next weekend and see what happens.
At the end of the day, I hadn't seen a deer. Jimmy, Dad and Caleb stayed at camp. The only person who saw a deer was Caleb, and he saw it around 11:30 a.m. The weather was nice today. It was in the low 40s in the early morning and warmed up to get into the high 50s.
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