Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023


  I wanted to go to a place I named Signpost Bog, but knowing I had to attend a wedding in the afternoon, I knew I wouldn't have time to get in and out of that spot. I decided to go to one of my favorite places near the road. 

  I didn't get much sleep, especially when the rain started pounding off the roof so hard I thought the roof was going to cave in. I even questioned getting up as I laid in bed listening to it. I suddenly flashed back in time to when we used to be in a tent listening to the same noise and praying that the seams of the tent wouldn't begin to leak. We experienced a few raging streams go ripping through the tent before we could dig a few trenches around it to prevent the water from invading our space. I do miss those days, but I also like the comfort of a solid structure with power around me. 

  Shortly before heading out, my father arrived at camp. He informed me the wedding I was attending was on Sunday, no Saturday. That suddenly put a kink in my entire weekend. I ended up not going to where I had originally planned and felt like I wasted a morning -- or a day. 

  My new rain gear worked phenomenally well. I have new Kuiu gear, and I was thoroughly impressed with it's ability to keep me bone dry. 

  In the afternoon, I had a deer blowing at me, but I never saw it. Actually, I think it was blowing at something else because I don't think there's any possible way it could've winded me. 

  Dad put on seven miles today. That's not to shabby for a 77-year-old guy. He got a little messed up in the woods and realized he didn't have his compass or his GPS. He went for a longer excursion than he had originally planned. I'm thankful for his ability to still get after it. He never ceases to amaze me. I wish I had half of his drive. 

  Jimmy put on about eight miles today and didn't find any sign at all. He scouted a new area, and we ruled it as an area to stay out of. 


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