Tuesday, October 10, 2023


  The time is surely upon us. With every passing day, I can feel it coming. Then, it will be gone in the snap of a finger... not lasting more than seven weeks. I will cross streams, climb mountains, sneak through swamps and hope for a fleeting chance at a buck. In the end, it won't matter whether I succeed because every day I'm in the woods is a success. 

  I hunted today for a few hours. I just don't seem to be into it yet, as I'm not a fan of hunting in northern New York with a bow. It saddens me in some ways because I used to live for any moment I could hunt. Now, I pick my days and go out occasionally. I think all of the success in the Midwest has probably led me to where I am, but I can't be certain. 

  I decided to go behind Dad's place to try my hand. As I neared the area I wanted to sit, I spotted a big doe feeding. I spotted her before she was alerted to my presence, so I tucked into some brush and watched closely. Within a few minutes, I saw another doe and a fawn. They fed for about 25 minutes before heading down the hill and out of sight. I enjoyed every moment of the scene. 

  I recall being in the same place when I saw my first buck in the wild while hunting. It was after school, and I can still see it like it was yesterday. That small 4-pointer has stuck with me all these years just like my ties to the land. The land has been in my family since the area was settled, and I feel rooted to it just as the trees, grass, and rocks are rooted to it. It's who I am, and it's responsible for leading me to where I am today. 

  A short time after the deer disappeared, I watched a porcupine waddle around in front of me before deciding to climb up a tree. I watched it for about a half hour and saw it do things I couldn't make any sense out of. I don't know enough about porcupines to know what it was doing. 

  Eventually, the sun set shortly after I heard a flock of geese heading south. I packed my stuff up and headed back to the house. I had a successful day in the woods, and it brought me back to yesterday... 40 some years ago. 

  I will not be able to get back out this week, so I'll find myself in the woods on Saturday, which is opening day of muzzleloader season. I'm looking forward to spending more time in the woods beginning this weekend, and I have tentative plans of being in the woods almost every day for the next few weeks. I'll see what happens as I begin spending more time where I need to be. 


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