Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023

   When I woke up this morning, winter didn't go anywhere. Once again, it was staring me in the face. I'm still not sure why I decided to do what I did, but I went on what I would call a marathon walk. I figured, I would use the day to cover as much ground as possible to see if I could locate any good sign. In my travels, I saw many amazing things. 

  I found one of the things I've been looking for, which was a really good bear track. I figured they would be heading toward their denning areas, but I didn't expect one to be wandering around in all the snow. I tried catching up to him, but I never accomplished my goal. 

  Instead, I had one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me happen while hunting in the Adirondacks. I wrote about a similar incident in my second book in the chapter titled The Bowl. As I was still-hunting, I spotted a doe. Within a few minutes, there were a few bucks chasing her all over the forest. I took some video of them and hope to upload the videos on my YouTube channel when the season is over and I have more time. It was amazing to see. It's something that I never could imagine happening in big woods where there are so few deer. I've now experiences it two times in my life. The first time was in the southern Adirondacks when I was in my mid 20s, almost 30 years ago. I never thought I would witness again, and now in my mid 50s, I got lucky enough to see it again in the southern High Peaks region, where there are basically no deer. 

  I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring, but today made my year. Maybe I'l return to the spot to look for that bear again tomorrow. I know bears are wanderers, so who knows where he might be now. One of these days, I'll succeed at getting one of those black, furry beasts. I'm not sure when it will happen but I'm determined to get it done. 


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