Sunday, October, 20, 2024
I decided I would sit for a few hours this morning and cover as much ground as possible after that. Since I don't have to work next Friday, and I'll most likely be hunting the following week, I wanted to make sure I got a look at a lot of stuff to make the best choice down the road. With that being said, I know things change daily right now, but any sign could lead to success.
I sat in one area until about 9:15, then I went to another area to sit until about noon. Neither place brought much to me. I was a little disappointed after walking around, but I also did find some nice rubs and scrapes on my journey. I know there's a decent buck or two running around in the area I hunted today, so I may give him a go when it's time. I'll decide that as the week plays out. They're calling for mid-70s to mid-80s. It was 33 degrees this morning, but it warmed up in a hurry, getting to 78 by mid-afternoon.
I took a few pictures on my adventure today, and I'll share them below. I love this time of year when you can feel it coming. It's like sailing on a calm lake before a storm. You can see the thunder clouds brewing in the distance, but the lake is calm as can be. Within minutes, a fury all its own will begin, and you are ready. It has been 10 months that you -- and the bucks -- have been waiting for this.
Looking at the forecast, I most likely won't hunt at all this week. I have an hour commute each way to work this week, so it won't allow me much time. I'm not calling it done yet, but I can't see much in the way of getting out. Maybe I'll surprise myself.
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