Tuesday, December 3, 2024

   It was another great morning to be in the woods. It was slightly warmer when I headed into the woods this morning than it was the last few days. It was 24 degrees today. I could actually feel the difference in temperatures. It felt somewhat warm to me. 

  Dad went with me today, and I felt like we were going to get one. It just had that feeling when I headed out the door. I can't explain to you how much I cherish the time I get to spend with my dad in the woods at our current ages. I never imagined we would still be going at it like we are nowadays, but I love it. 

  We took our time getting where we were going, and we still made it well before it got light. It was a great morning for sitting. The wind barely moved a twig, and it was comfortable to sit. I tried something new today and used an insulated bib that I bought in the '90s to throw over my stuff after getting dressed. It worked well and kept me toasty warm. I can't believe I never tried it in the past. I'd always thought about it but never did it. It's a Wall's bib and I'd imagine that company has long since been forgotten. It probably doesn't even exist anymore. I remember buying it at Kittery Trading Post bargain bin in Maine when I was there on vacation. I actually killed one of my biggest deer while wearing it in 2006. 

  When I decided to meet Dad in the middle of the day, I began walking and realized I had some issues with my blood sugar. I had no idea where I was or how I got there. I was aware but unaware. It took a few minutes to get straightened out. My sensor was fine when I started but crashed within seconds. That's why I didn't pick up on it. Although it was scary, I remained composed and knew what I had to do to navigate the rough patch I was encountering. 

  At day's end, Dad had seen seven deer, one spike. I tallied zero deer sightings for the day. This has been a rough season for me. My body is feeling it, but my spirits are still alive and well. I love this game. It doesn't matter whether I see a lonely red squirrel or 10 deer, every adventure brings a new memory, and I cherish all of them. Some of the best days in the woods don't have anything to do with hunting. It's more about being in touch with your soul and knowing where you have to be to allow that to happen. I'll be sad when the clock runs out not he season, but my body will enjoy the recovery time. 

  It appears we have some nasty winds coming in the next few days. They're calling for 35 mph winds, so I'm guessing there won't be much deer movement going on. However, I'll still be out there giving it my all. Maybe I'll get lucky. I'll be hunting for at least half the day with Dad again. I can't wait... another day with Dad. 


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