
Showing posts from October, 2024

Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024

   This morning I woke up to a chill in the air that finally confirmed hunting season has arrived. It's a feeling that only hunters can relate to. The damp chill reminded me that I will begin the chase now that the temps have finally begun to cool off. The summer-like conditions have hung on far too long without any indication fall was on its way until today.   I headed into the woods after work and wanted to go to a place where I believed I could kill a deer. I know the deer have been feeding heavily amongst some oak trees and figured that would give me a good chance.    As I got ready to head into the woods, the heavens let loose and soaked me. There was zero percent chance of rain... go figure.    Soaking showers happened from the time I went into the woods until I headed back to the truck. I never saw a thing, and I actually had a great feeling as I waited out the storms.    Tomorrow is supposed to bring some wind and rain, so I'll have to wait until then to make a decision

Monday, Oct. 7, 2024

  Today I rushed into the woods after school to help my dad set up a stand in a place he wanted it. Since I didn't want him overdoing it, I carried it in for him. After leaving him, I went in search of a place to set a camera and move another camera.    Being close to home and not having hunted this place in 20 years, I'm trying to figure a few things out and see what the area holds for deer. I haven't had much luck so far. However, I've gotten six bucks on camera so far but nothing big. I know there's at least one big buck in the area due to the sign I've found. I'm trying to narrow down his tendencies, but I haven't gotten anything that gives me the slightest clue what he's doing or where he's spending the majority of his time. It's getting a little frustrating.    On my way out of the woods tonight, I jumped three deer. While a giant doe and fawn ran a ways and stopped, another big deer never attempted to stop when it bolted out of the ope

Friday, Oct. 4, 2024

   Summer just doesn't want to let go. We are still reaching temperatures in the 80s almost every day, and the nighttime temps haven't dropped below 57. It hasn't been conducive to much daytime deer movement. I'm sure things will cool down soon, but it's beginning to make me wonder why summer seems to continue through mid-October and into November every year. When I was a kid, it cooled down quickly and fall was always in the air after we returned to school every year. That is just a thing of the past, and I'm glad I can remember when sweatshirts were a part of the wardrobe every September instead of shorts.    I'm working part-time with Cornell Cooperative Extension right now and teaching archery in schools. It keeps me busy and gives me a little background with CCE. I'm hoping it might lead to something else, but we will see what happens. I spent the last two weeks in Fort Ann central schools, and we had Friday off for Superintendent's Day.    I de

Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024

  Today I brought a young man with me because he doesn't have anyone to take him hunting. I'm also coaching him in archery, and his dedication and persistence is inspiring. He's a junior in high school, and he quit playing high school football to pursue competitive archery and give it everything he has to see where it can take him. He's doing well so far, and I see great things in his future. I believed it was only right to offer to take him hunting, so that's what I did.    Although it was warm today, the heat was the last thing on my mind. All I wanted to do was to show the kid a good time. At the end of the evening, I had accomplished that and we walked out of the woods in the dark. The quietness that consumed the darkness presented a calmness that only a hunter can understand.    When we finally reached the truck on our hike out, he was excited and talked hurriedly. I knew he had a good time and enjoyed the few hours we got to spend in the woods. It warmed me to

Monday, Sept. 30, 2024

  I decided I would venture onto the land we own a short distance from the house. I briefly hunted on it during late muzzleloader last year and found a lot of sign. I hadn't hunted it in 20 years, and it was refreshing to be in a place where I had spent so much time in my early adulthood and teen years.    As I wandered through the woods, I felt good about what I was seeing. I never anticipated seeing so many scrapes and rubs, and some of the rubs were definitely made by something with a decent rack on it.    By the time the evening ended, I was in seventh heaven. My trip for the afternoon brought me back to a time when life was simple. I would head onto our land with no thoughts in the world other than finding a buck to shoot, and more times than not, I succeeded with my mission. It was a place that was easy to get to and also had enough deer to keep me entertained. I learned a lot about deer hunting.. and myself.. at that time. I'll be forever thankful for the trips onto the

Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024

  I headed into the woods early to make sure I would be able to sit for a while before looking for the bear. I know there have been a lot of deer in the area, and I hoped I would see one. However, after climbing into the stand and waiting for daylight, I had an uneasy feeling bouncing around inside my head.    I did't last long in the tree. I know I made a lethal shot on the bear, and I wanted to get after it as soon as possible. I do have a few cell cameras in the area, and last night there were two really big bears that headed in the direction where the wounded bear ran after being hit. On top of that, a big bobcat also made its way past the camera. Seeing the pictures when I woke up, I had suspicions that they were headed toward a dead animal to have a feast, but I couldn't be certain about my theory.   After getting out of the tree and doing a bunch of circles, I didn't come up with anything. Finally, I decided to call it a day but not before looking near some cliffs th