Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023
When I woke up this morning, winter didn't go anywhere. Once again, it was staring me in the face. I'm still not sure why I decided to do what I did, but I went on what I would call a marathon walk. I figured, I would use the day to cover as much ground as possible to see if I could locate any good sign. In my travels, I saw many amazing things. I found one of the things I've been looking for, which was a really good bear track. I figured they would be heading toward their denning areas, but I didn't expect one to be wandering around in all the snow. I tried catching up to him, but I never accomplished my goal. Instead, I had one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me happen while hunting in the Adirondacks. I wrote about a similar incident in my second book in the chapter titled The Bowl. As I was still-hunting, I spotted a doe. Within a few minutes, there were a few bucks chasing her all over the forest. I took some video of them and...